
Gartner’s top 10 technologies for 2008: SOA precursors; fabric computing; Real world Web; WOA

Gartner outlined its top 10 strategic technology areas for 2008 and many roads lead to service oriented architecture.
The top 10 is off to the right and there aren’t any huge surprises. Who didn’t see green IT and virtualization being listed? But what’s notable are all of the SOA precursors to be found. Business process modeling (No. 3), metadata management (No. 4), mashups and composite apps (No. 6) and Web platforms (No. 7) all add up to SOA down the road. All of those aforementioned items need to be done as large companies adopt SOA. What’s notable here is that Gartner’s list is focused on 2008. If you assume everyone in this packed room at the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando runs back to the office to implement these technologies (fat chance) mass SOA adoption should come sometime in 2009 or 2010.

“SOA isn’t on the list because we are looking at some of the implementation technologies for service oriented architecture,” says Gartner analyst David Cearley. For instance, business process modeling (BPM) isn’t even a technology, but it’s a necessary precursor to introducing new technology. “SOA without BPM will not deliver on its process to the business,” says Cearley.

Cearley argues that metadata management falls into a similar category. Without the upfront work on developing an information infrastructure SOA will stumble.

A look at some of the other key technologies described.

Green IT: The technologies for green IT practices–multicore chips, power supplies, fans and power management software–are all mature, says Carl Claunch, an analyst at Gartner. So what’s new about green IT for 2008?

Claunch argues that there may be limits put on data center choices, regulations may become more prominent and then there’s the cost savings to your electric bill. “Green really matters and there’s a lot of work coming from the technology vendor sphere,” says Claunch.

Cearley notes that he has talked with many technology managers that haven’t been prodded for green IT practices. His advice: Plan ahead because “at some point someone will knock on your door about it and it’ll be easier if you plan ahead.”

Computing fabrics: Claunch says blade servers are just an intermediate stage. A fabric will allow several blades to be merged. “Blades are not the final step,” says Clough. His description:

The fabric based server of the future will treat memory, processors and I/O cards are components in a pool, combining and recombining them into particular arrangements to suit the owner’s needs. That is, a large server can be created by combining 32 processors and a number of memory modules from the pool, operating together over the fabric to appear to an operating system as a single fixed server. Any combination of the components can be configured, as they will not longer be defined as blades.

Unified communications. Plain old telephone lines are merging to VOIP. Convergence of communications is underway. The big question: When do the real value added applications come along? Claunch says converging things like Web services, contact centers, email and phone services will lead to combinations with storage networks, video from security cameras and sensors. “All sorts of potential applications emerge,” says Claunch. Timeline: 2010.

Virtualization is more than just consolidation of hardware. Claunch argues that virtualization is all about flexibility and the ability to adapt. These advantages go beyond mere hardware savings.

Here’s a chart outlining what Gartner calls Virtualization 2.0:

Web platforms (also known as SaaS today). Cearley says that 25 percent of Gartner customers have some form of SaaS already. Cearley advises that IT managers build in SaaS providers into their sourcing strategies.

Longer term, however, Web platforms will be the model for the future. Ultimately everything–infrastructure, information, widgets and business processes–will be delivered as a service. All of these intertwined APIs will give us a acronym: WOA (Web oriented architecture.) “Put this on your radar screen and start with some ‘what if’ models,” says Cearley. These Web platforms will also make mashups more common in the enterprise. In fact, Cearley argues that enterprises will need an architecture just to manage mashups.

Real World Web: Claunch defines the Real World Web as one where all devices–wireless devices, cameras, PCs etc.–combine to analyze location, intent and even emotions over a network. This will augment reality, says Claunch. Many verticals–military, healthcare, travel and retail–are expected to adopt applications for the Real World Web.

Post-VS 2008-Technology: LINQ to XSD and LINQ to Stored XML

Today, Shyam Pather, Principal Development Lead on the Data Programmability Team at Microsoft, is giving a presentation on LINQ to XML: Visual Studio 2008, Silverlight, and Beyond at the XML 2007 Conference in Boston. He talks about the current and future technologies surrounding LINQ to XML.

The first two parts of the presentation cover LINQ to XML basics and the current advanced XML features:

LINQ to XML classes (XDocument, XElement, XAttribute, XNamespace, XName)
VB XML Literals
Intellisense Support
Helpful Operator Overloads
Cast Operator on XElement and XAttribute to bypass .Value property when accessing content
Nullable types and null coalescing operator
Bridge Classes, which offer System.Xml APIs over LINQ to XML trees
The slides can be downloaded from the conference's web site.

In the third part of the presentation Shyam presents future extensions of LINQ to XML: LINQ to XSD and LINQ to Stored XML.

LINQ to XSD has first been announced by Microsoft's XML team in November 2006 (including a preview alpha 0.1 for the LINQ May 2006 CTP):

LINQ to XSD provides .NET developers with support for typed XML programming on top of LINQ to XML. While the LINQ to XML programmer operates on generic XML trees, the LINQ to XSD programmer operates on typed XML trees -- instances of .NET types that model the XML types of a specific XML schema (XSD). To get an idea, consider the following C#3.0 fragment for a LINQ to XML query that computes the total over the items in a XML tree for a purchase order:

(from item in purchaseOrder.Elements("Item")
select (double)item.Element("Price") * (int)item.Element("Quantity")

Using LINQ to XSD, the query is written in a much clearer and type-safe way:

(from item in purchaseOrder.Item
select item.Price * item.Quantity

In June 2007 another preview alpha 0.2 for Visual Studio 2008 beta 1 was published. No LINQ to XSD preview appeared for VS 2008 beta 2, probably because Dr. Ralf Lämmel, who spearheaded the technology, left Microsoft. Roger Jennings, principal consultant of OakLeaf Systems, has the details of LINQ to XSD's history. He pursued the matter and requested an update of the technology from Microsoft:

Ralf Lämmel updated his LINQ to XSD implementation that enables strongly-typed LINQ to XML queries from the November 2006 Preview Alpha 0.1 for the May 2006 LINQ CTP to Preview Alpha 0.2 for Orcas Beta 1 on June 5, 2007. Dr. Lämmel then returned to Germany to assume a full professorship in the Department of Computer Sciences of the University of Koblenz (Germany). There’s been no word from the XML Team that’s responsible for LINQ to XML about an update to LINQ to XSD for the final VS 2008 bits. Hopefully, this very useful LINQ implementation won’t disappear as a result of attention attrition.
LINQ to Stored XML (XML in the database) offers ways of issuing queries against XML datatype columns within an SQL Server 2005. The goal is to "provide a strongly-typed LINQ experience over data in XML datatype columns" by providing "mapping from XML schema to classes" and "query translation from LINQ expressions to server XQuery expressions" (sample taken from the AdventureWorks database with 'Resume' being an XML datatype column):


var q = from o in _data.JobCandidates

where o.Resume.Skills.Contains("production")

select o.Resume.Name.Name_Last;


SELECT [Extent1].[Resume].query(
N'declare namespace r="http://.../adventure-works/Resume";
).value(N'.', N'nvarchar(max)') AS [C1]

FROM [HumanResources].[JobCandidate] AS [Extent1]

WHERE cast(1 as bit) = ([Extent1].[Resume].query(
N'declare namespace r="http://.../adventure-works/Resume";
contains(/*[1]/r:Skills, "production")'
).value(N'.', N'bit'))

The presentation is the first sign that activity is continued on LINQ to XSD and that LINQ to Stored XML is underway. But unfortunately no release dates - not even for preview bits - are mentioned.

A unique collection of amazing stuff from around the world

In the revolution of miniature of computers, the scientists are ahead with blue-tooth technology... See the forthcoming computers within ur pockets ..

This pen sort of instrument produces both the monitor as well as the keyboard on flat surfaces from where you can just carry out the normal operations you do on your desktop.

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 released

Some stuff it includes:

Some new WPF designer stuff (not sure what though - not really my area)
ADO.NET Entity Designer
Office MFC stuff (not sure if it also includes TR1, these two were bundled together earlier on in the year)
Some improvements for the JavaScript support
Background compilation for C#
Also you will need SP1 to use VS2008 with SQL Server 2008 which was released a few days ago.

Originally posted at Please post all comments there. Thanks, Granville.

A bit late...Pex 0.6 (with x64 support) released

I've not looked at Pex (Program EXploration) yet but it seems pretty interesting. The previous version 0.5 only supported x86.

I watched the Channel9 video on Pex a while back now, and have been following it via word of mouth for a long time so when 0.5 dropped it was pretty exciting...until I found out it didn't support x64.

Nikolai Tillman has some more information on the 0.6 release, of particular note "64-bit support: Pex 0.6 installs on 64-bit Windows (but cannot analyse 64-bit-only code)"

Originally posted at Please post all comments there. Thanks, Granville.

Apple blows world away with amazing new ‘iPhone’

Steve Jobs had done it – he’s wowed the world with the next generation iPod called ‘iPhone’ due in the US June 2007 – a widescreen iPod, phone and Internet device that’s not only all-in-one, but is the world’s thinnest phone at 11.6mm, runs desktop class apps and much, much more. It’s the gadget of the decade! Totally, utterly, jaw-droppingly amazing.

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Steve Jobs has amazed the entire world with the brand new iPhone, a next-generation iPod that seamlessly merges a widescreen, wireless iPod, an amazing GSM/GPRS/EDGE mobile phone (although not 3G), built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and full web browsing, email and other software programs (widgets) to deliver the next-generation mobile Internet, music, video, photo and computing experience.

Apple’s PDA phone makes the original Newton look very basic indeed, as it uses no stylus but is fully touch controlled. It also runs Mac OS X, although there’s no word on whether or not you could run Photoshop or other OS X apps on the phone, and at this stage it doesn’t look like that’s what the iPhone can do.

Music can be viewed with the CoverFlow graphical movement of album covers across the screen as seen in iTunes 7. Integration with Google Maps is built-in, as is free Yahoo push email (like Blackberries can do) using IMAP to ensure you’re notified of new emails virtually immediately.

The touch screen keyboard looks like a winner, too – with only one physical button on the iPhone, everything else is touch screen, on an LCD screen of 3.5-inches that has incredibly sharp resolution.

Apple have also changed their name from Apple Computer, Inc. to just Apple, Inc in celebration of the fact that they are well and truly no longer a computer company.

Cingular are indeed the network partner for Apple, and the head of Cingular, who pointed out that Cingular is now a part of AT&T, was at pains to explain that this was not a MVNO relationship, but one that let Apple be Apple, and Cingular be Cingular.

Apple are using some advanced features of Cingular’s network to allow users to listen to voicemail messages in whatever order they choose, not the order they were recorded in.

Other features include one of the smallest Bluetooth headsets you ever seen, plus a standard pair of headphones that now comes with a small microphone section if you prefer to use a wired headset, as the Bluetooth headset is likely to be an extra-cost option.

Give me more juicy details, like the price and when it's available to buy! Go to the next page below for instant gratification and the conclusion to this article on the mindblowingly amazing iPhone...

Under The Hood - Matt Pietrek

PDC05 - Amazing C++ futures talk

Just went to Herb Sutter's talk on C++ futures. Really rocking stuff! Check out the slides for TLN309. (Sorry, no link yet. I hope to update it when I get it.)

The first few minutes were on general improvements to the language including future ISO standard additions.

The coolest thing here at first glance is the "auto" keyword, which is a shortcut that lets you avoid typing in the whole bloody type declaration for a variable declaration when its type can be inferred from the assignment. For instance:


foo::iterator i = myList.begin();


auto i = myList.begin(); // Type of 'i is inferred from the assignment

There was also a bit about lamda functions. (Yes, some of this stuff is quite parallel with upcoming C# enhancements.)

The remainder of the talk was about moving C++ toward real concurrency at a high level. The goal is to help programmers avoid all the mess of dealing with individual threads and locking. With just a few new keywords ("active" and "future") you inform the compiler what parts of your program can be done asynchronously. Think of it as making your code "message based", without completly changing the syntax.

I'm sure many of you may be doubtful from my description, and perhaps wondering what I'm smoking, but all I can say is "check it out for yourself". It only hurts your brain a little bit to grok the syntax, and it's pretty easy to see how powerful the ideas are.

Of course, all this magic will need some pretty intense upgrades to the C++ runtime. As a tools developer who plays around in the blood and guts of running code, it makes my neck hairs stand on end to think about evolving tools to this new world. I'm not doubting it can be done. Rather, I'm stepping back and reappraising the mountain to be climbed.

Intel C++ Compiler v10.1.015 MACOSX

ntel® C++ Compiler Professional Edition offers the best support for creating multi-threaded applications.

Only the Professional Edition offers the breadth of advanced optimization, multi-threading, and processor support that includes automatic processor dispatch, vectorization, auto-parallelization, OpenMP*, data prefetching, and loop unrolling, along with highly optimized C++ templates for parallelism, math processing, and multimedia libraries.

The Professional Edition combines a high performance compiler with Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB), Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) and Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL). The Professional Edition creates a strong foundation for building robust, high performance parallel code at significant price savings.

The Standard Edition compiler has the same performance and features as the Professional Edition compiler, but does not provide the multi-threaded libraries.

Amazing Concept Computer Puts The Real World Inside The Internet

Holy smoke! This concept design from Mac Funamizu should be made today. The unnamed project uses a camera, scanner, GPS and see-through display to assimilate just about anything.

Point it at a street or landscape and it will use position and visual information to work out what you are looking at, and then pull down any relevant information from the internet. Then you can click on your image to zoom and explore in further detail. The floor-plan of a building or the menu of a restaurant, for instance.

The other picture shows the device, which Yanko Design has dubbed The Looking Glass, sitting on top of a newspaper and allowing copying and highlighting of the text. The more I think about this, the more amazing the possibilities. I belive there are already some services out there which use a phone's camera to locate the user, so perhaps this isn't so far fetched after all.

Amazing Computer Techical Support help Calling

These "silly tech support calls " have been around in e-mails and online since the dawn of tech support.
They are always fun to read. I'm in the mood for a good laugh. How 'bout you?
Customer: Hi, this is Celine. I can't get my diskette out. Tech support: Have you tried pushing the Button?
Customer: Yes, sure, it's really stuck. Tech support: That doesn't sound good; I'll make a note.
Customer: No, wait a minute... I hadn't inserted it yet... it's still on my desk... Sorry....
Tech support: What kind of computer do you have? Female customer: A white one...
Tech support: Click on the 'my computer' icon on to the left of the screen. Customer: Your left or my left?
Tech support: Good day. How may I help you? Male customer: Hello... I can't print.
Tech support: Would you click on "start" for me and... Customer: Listen pal; don't start getting technical on me! I'm not Bill Gates.
Customer: Hi, good afternoon, this is Martha, I can't print. Every time I try, it says 'Can't find printer'. I've even lifted the printer and placed it in front of the monitor, but the computer still says he can't find it...
Customer: I have problems printing in red... Tech support: Do you have a color printer?
Customer: Aaaah....................thank you.
Tech support: What's on your monitor now, ma'am? Customer: A teddy bear my boyfriend bought for me at the 7-11.
Customer: My keyboard is not working anymore. Tech support: Are you sure it's plugged into the computer?
Customer: No. I can't get behind the computer. Tech support: Pick up your keyboard and walk 10 paces back
Customer: OK
Tech support: Did the keyboard come with you? Customer: Yes
Tech support: That means the keyboard is not plugged in. Is there another keyboard? Customer: Yes, there's another one here. Ah...that one does work...
Tech support: Your password is the small letter "a" as in apple, a capital letter V as in Victor, the number 7. Customer: Is that 7 in capital letters?
Customer: I can't get on the Internet. Tech support: Are you sure you used the right password?
Customer: Yes, I'm sure. I saw my colleague do it. Tech support: Can you tell me what the password was?
Customer: Five stars.
********** Tech support: What anti-virus program do you use? Customer: Netscape.
Tech support: That's not an anti-virus program. Customer : Oh, sorry...Internet Explorer.
Customer: I have a huge problem. A friend has placed a screen saver on my computer, but every time I move the mouse, it disappears.
Tech support: How may I help you? Customer: I'm writing my first e-mail.
Tech support: OK, and what seems to be the problem? Customer: Well, I have the letter 'a' in the address, but how do I get the circle around it?
A woman customer called the Canon help desk with a problem with her printer. Tech support: Are you running it under windows?
Customer: "No, my desk is next to the door, but that is a good point. The man sitting in the cubicle next to me is under a window, and his printer is working fine."
And last but not least...

Tech support: "Okay Bob, let's press the control and escape keys at the same time. That brings up a task list in the middle of the screen. Now type the letter "P" to bring up the Program Manager"
Customer: I don't have a P.
Tech support: On your keyboard, Bob.
Customer: What do you mean?
Tech support: "P".....on your keyboard, Bob.

What’s Your Favorite iMac Tip?

Yeah… I have a new iMac. Isn’t she gorgeous? I’ve been looking at getting one for awhile, to use for a machine to live stream. The live stream has been being powered using a Mac Mini that’s kind of old. It’s just underpowered, and not easy to keep everything going. So anyway, the iMac is going to run the chat and stream, and hopefully everything will run much more smoothly. I’m not sure how it will all be set up at this point, but I’m happy to have new options. I have to thank Ponzi, who gave this to me for my birthday. As a Geek, you can never have too many computers, especially if you work from home.

The best part of doing unboxing videos is being able to tease people all day. No matter what it is, I’ll leave the box sitting on my desk all day. People will join and watch, waiting to see what I’ve gotten, and what I’m going to do with it. At the time I recorded this particular video, we had nearly 900 people watching the live stream. I love when so many of you want to join us and see what we’re up to!

iMac sets the standard for elegance and power. It packs a complete, high-performance computer into its all-in-one design. With an anodized aluminum frame and glass cover, it’s striking to behold. The 20- and 24-inch glossy widescreen displays make photos and movies come alive with rich color. The use of recyclable glass and aluminum makes iMac friendlier to the environment, too.

The ultrathin Apple Keyboard perfectly complements iMac. Its anodized aluminum enclosure features low-profile keys with a crisp, responsive feel. The keyboard includes special function keys for one-touch control of Mac features, and two USB 2.0 ports provide high-speed connectivity to your iPod, Mighty Mouse, digital camera, and other devices.

With iMac, details make all the difference. For example, because it’s made from a single sheet of aluminum, you won’t see any seams or screws except for a single compartment on the bottom that provides easy access to the memory slots. The built-in iSight camera and microphone are integrated so neatly you barely notice they’re there — until you need them for a video chat.

So once I get it all out of the box, I was happy to see a wireless keyboard, and the Mighty Mouse that I love using so much. It’s always fun to unbox Apple products! I know… everyone wants me to plug this thing in. It’s a 24″ model, and was not easy to get out of the box, believe it or not. I love the design of the iMac. It’s very clean and uncluttered.

Thank you, Ponzi, for the iMac!! I know this will get a lot of use, and the stream will run much better now.

* The 12 Month Internet Millionaire.
* Happy Apple IPhone, Brand New For March 2008.
* Apple IPhone Rabid Niche Cash System.

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Top 10 Tips to Keep Your Windows Vista Computer Running Smoothly

Are you using Vista on your computer? If so… have you had any issues with the performance, and how your computer actually runs? These tips were sent in by a community member by the name of Elis.

When I used to be on Windows XP, I always had the problem of keeping my computer running smoothly. Now that I,’m on Windows Vista the job has become much easier. Although Vista uses more resources, somehow I think it has been brilliantly built if running under optimum specs. So here is my top 10 tips on how to keep windows vista running smoothly.

His suggestions are general guidelines…

* Leave your computer on for as long as you can. I leave my computer on for months on end. Every time I restart my computer, the cache to certain folders, files etc is deleted. This means that files will open slower than normal. No harm comes from leaving your computer running, and it has been proven that there is no long term damage… apart from receiving a higher than normal electricity bill

My note: I don’t know how that was proven, but I keep my primary computer on all the time as well.
* Firewall. The Windows Firewall now has the option to configure incoming and outgoing traffic, which I think is great. It comes in very handy when you need it most.

My note: I don’t fully agree with the above tip, about using Windows Firewall. Many free firewalls are much better at protecting you than the one from Windows… such as Comodo.
* Antivirus. Get yourself a decent anti virus. Personally, I prefer ESETs NOD32 Anti virus which does a magnificent job. It is also light on resources unlike its competitors Norton and McAfee. Every month or so I do a virus scan, but nothing is usually found.
* Defragment. Defragmentation of your hard disk is very useful, as files are spread all over the place. There is nothing wrong with the built-in Windows Defragmenter, but there is a better one which is faster and has better options. O&O Defrag 10 repacks fragmented files together and optimizes your hard drives. You should check it out. You can also save 5% off Purchase using coupon code ALEX-KCBH
* Disk Cleanup. The Disk Cleanup can come in very handy usually. It’s mostly needed when things get overcrowded. I recommend you DO NOT delete the temporary internet files and thumbnails. There is also an excellent free program called ATF Cleaner. It safely cleans things like temp files, cache, java cache, and more… at the click of a button. YOU decide what you do and don’t want ATF Cleaner to clean for you.
* Keep files organized. I keep all my pictures, videos, documents… everything is organized. I truly think it is very helpful to know where all your files and folders are. This way, they are also not thrown all over the place so you forget what you’re looking for.
* Have only one instance of each type of software running at one time., such as Browsers or Antivirus. I know most people stick to Firefox, but personally I like IE7. No, I haven’t mistyped. Thats correct: Internet Explorer 7 is my choice. Web sites pop up in under a second. I have tried Firefox. Although it is brilliant with all the nice features and plug ins, I find them irrelevant. IE7 does a marvelous job for me.
* Delete software that you do not need from “Remove Programs.” I used to have a ton of software on my computer. These were usually things I did not need or didn’t use. I know some software may be considered ‘cool’ to have so you can brag to your friends about them. But when they have no use… they are just wasting computer resources.
* Startup programs. MSCONFIG does a magnificent job on helping you choose what programs should start and what shouldn’t, although it is up to you. If you haven’t heard of msconfig before then here’s how to open it! Click “Start”, then “search”. Type msconfig, and click “enter”. After it has appeared, go to the “startup” tab, and choose what irrelevant programs you want to cancel from starting. Keep in mind that you cannot disable things like display drivers, and any other necessary system files/programs.
* Running Programs. Always check what programs/processes you have running on your computer through the task manager. It usually helps because some programs will stop responding in the background if you have one that is taking up a huge amount of resources. You might experience some lag.

New Tech for Computers in 2008-2010

New Tech for Computers in 2008-2010

* DisplayPort - more anti copying protection and new plug , supports high def
* USB3 - more anti copying protection and new plug , supports faster speed
* CPU's that have more cores
* Intel CPU's that have memory controllers on board
* WiMax Wireless (different from 54g)
* SD cards with bigger sizes used as os drives more.
* Multi-touch touch screens
* 10g Ethernet

Anyone else heard of new things for Computers that Ive missed ?

Top 100 Universities for Computer Science

1. Stanford University ----
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology ----
3. University of California - Berkeley ----
4. Carnegie Mellon University ----
5. Cornell University ----
6. Princeton University ----
7. University of Texas - Austin ----
8. University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign ----
9. University of Washington ----
10. University of Wisconsin - Madison ----
11. Harvard University ----
12. California Institute of Technology ----
13. Brown University ----
14. University of California - Los Angeles ----
15. Yale University ----
16. University of Maryland - College Park ----
17. University of Massachusetts - Amherst ----
18. Rice University ----
19. University of Southern California ----
20. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor ----
21. Columbia University (Fu Foundation) ----
22. University of California - San Diego ----
23. University of Pennsylvania ----
24. Purdue University - West Lafayette ----
25. Rutgers State University - New Brunswick ----
26. Duke University ----
27. University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill ----
28. University of Rochester ----
29. SUNY - Stony Brook ----
30. Georgia Institute of Technology
31. University of Arizona ----
32. University of California - Irvine ----
33. University of Virginia ----
34. Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis
35. Johns Hopkins University ----
36. Northwestern University ----
37. Ohio State University ----
38. University of Colorado - Boulder ----
39. University of Utah ----
40. Oregon Graduate Inst. of Science and Technology ----
41. University of Pittsburgh ----
42. Syracuse University ----
43. University of Pennsylvania ----
44. University of Florida ----
45. University of Minnesota ----
46. University of California - Santa Barbara ----
47. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ----
48. Univ of California-Santa Cruz ----
49. University of Illinois - Chicago ----
50. Washington University in St. Louis ----
51. Michigan State University ----
52. Pennsylvania State University - University Park ----
53. CUNY - City College ----
54. Dartmouth College ----
55. Boston University University of California - Davis ----
56. SUNY - Buffalo ----
57. North Carolina State University ----
58. Arizona State University ----
59. University of Iowa ----
60. Texas A&M University - College Station ----
61. University of Oregon ----
62. University of Kentucky ----
63. Virginia Tech ----
64. Case Western Reserve University ----
65. George Washington University ----
66. University of South Florida ----
67. Temple University ----
68. Oregon State University ----
69. University of Southwestern Louisiana ----
70. Vanderbilt University ----
71. University of Nebraska-Lincoln ----
72. University of Houston ----
73. University of Texas at Dallas ----
74. Louisiana State U & A&M College
75. Iowa State University ----
76. New Mexico State University
77. Wayne State University ----
78. Washington State University
79. Kansas State University ----
80. University of Central Florida
81. United States Naval Postgraduate School ----
82. University of Texas - Arlington ----
83. University of Kansas ----
84. University of Alabama - Huntsville ----
85. Old Dominion University ----
86. University of Maryland Baltimore County ----
87. Southern Methodist University ----
88. Illinois Institute of Technology ----
89. University of Connecticut ----
90. University of South Carolina ----
91. Florida State University ----
92. Lehigh University ----
93. University of Massachusetts - Lowell ----
94. University of Alabama - Birmingham
95. Mississippi State University ---- student@grad.msstat
96. Kent State University ----
97. University of Oklahoma ---- admrec@ouwww.ucs.ou
98. Tulane University ----
99. Stevens Institute of Technology ---- jcuddy@stevens-tec
100. Worcester Polytechnic Institute ----

Apple Computer's iMac With a Transparent Screen

Qwest CEO among Candidates for Motorola's Top Post.

By Barbara Rose, Chicago Tribune Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News

Oct. 8--Richard Notebaert, Chairman and CEO of Qwest Communications International Inc., is among several candidates contacted in the search to replace Motorola Inc. CEO Christopher Galvin, according to sources familiar with the search.

The job would be a homecoming for the 55-year-old telecom veteran, who led the former Ameritech Corp. until its sale to SBC Communications Inc. in 1999 before jumping to equipment maker Tellabs Inc. as CEO.

A Post-Katrina Computer Makeover

See Comments (1)

Hurricane Katrina may have been a 2005 news event, but it's still affecting millions of people well into 2006, including this week's Hook Me Up subject Jerry.

The hurricane's destruction had a major affect on tourism, causing Jerry to lose his job as a web designer for the New Orleans tourism site. But as a true survivor, Jerry made do with his available resources, specifically a $40 computer he purchased on Craigslist.

Jerry is now working as a freelance web designer and trying to get his true passion up and running: an Internet radio station, Ideally Jerry would like to focus on the radio station fulltime, but he doesn't have the right hardware or software to take the station to the next level.

I dispatched Jacky Myint to hook Jerry up. She's a freelance web designer, too, and works as a developer at the Associated Press. Jacky surveyed Jerry's set-up and was amazed: two old, and I mean old PCs making crunchy noises as they tried to process all the data needed for Jerry's websites.

Jacky decided to hook Jerry up with a Toshiba Qosmio Laptop. The Qosmio is known as a top-notch multimedia laptop, handling audio and video files with ease. The system has a huge array of built in AV ports, which is something that's not usually found on traditional laptops. Plus, the laptop's screen is big and bright, something that got Jerry really excited.

On top of all those features, the Qosmio also has a DVD±RW that pops out of the front panel, so you can put peripherals along the side of the system without blocking the drive bay. And for the audiophile in Jerry, the Qosmio also has Harmon Kardon speakers that sound terrific, considering they are built in to the laptop. But for his home setup, we also got him a set of the Klipsch Pro-Media speakers for full stereo sound.

To properly promote and package Jerry's Internet radio station, Jacky picked out a copy of Sony's Acid Pro 6, a music creation program that helps Jerry make jingles and promotional spots to play between tracks.

The actual computers were only half the problem, so Jacky decided some basic organizational tools would make a huge difference. Jacky, went with a Palm TX PDA to stay organized, a Microsoft wireless notebook mouse, and a Logitech Web-Cam to add pictures and video to the radio station's web site.

In total, Jacky spent just under $3,000 to transform Jerry's ‘jerryrigged' setup into a broadcaster's dream.

Howto: Delete undeletable files in Windows XP

That’s right: This is for Windows. Don’t get all huffy. I learned something new today while I was at work, and I’m going to share it. Not everything has to do with Ubuntu. Okay, most everything does, but it’s only obliquely this time.

I work on a PC that has several user accounts, and some of them are quite old — outdated is a good word for them. Some of them are two or three years old, and haven’t been used in a long time. I can tell, of course, by perusing the Documents and Settings folder. (Some people really should empty their IE cache before they log out. :shock: But that’s beside the point.)

For outdated accounts for people who have since departed, I like to delete their account folder and save space on the drive (more space for music downloaded from Jamendo! :mrgreen: ). The problem is that I occasionally get mystery files that can’t be deleted. Like this …


See that trailing dot? I don’t know if that dot is the reason, but Windows can’t delete that file. XP complains about not being able to find the file. Explorer barfs up an error message, and even DEL from a command box (dare I call it a terminal?) can’t do it. This one has the same effect.


I don’t know where they come from or why they appear, but XP has a %@#! fit every time I try to delete them. And without that file disappearing, there’s a whole trail of encapsulating folders that don’t want to delete either. Because there’s still something in there, you see. So it can’t be deleted. :roll:

So me, being Ubuntu-minded, figured it would work just as well to boot into a Linux live CD and delete it manually. Well, except that the drive is an NTFS volume, of course. And Damn Small Linux wouldn’t do NTFS for me. And Slax suddenly refused to install to a USB key for me. And now I’m spending an hour trying to work a Windows-based Slax installer program that has been discontinued and I only found by way of the Internet Archive and it doesn’t seem to like my USB drive and my download speed for the Ubuntu live CD is 10kbps on a corporate line and even then I don’t know if I could get NTFS access off a live CD and I don’t want to install the Reconstructor on a virtual PC just to get NTFS support in a live environment. …

See where I’m at? This is way too much circumnavigation just to delete a 0Kb file.

Google a little, and I came up with this.

1. Open a cmd box. (Start > Run > cmd)
2. Open the Task Manager. (Right-click on the taskbar.)
3. Kill explorer.exe. Don’t close the Task Manager.
4. Navigate in the cmd box to the undeletable file.
5. Delete it with DEL (I used DEL *.* for an immensely gratifying delete experience).
6. Using the File menu in Task Manager, restart explorer.exe.

And it worked. Like a charm. So let that be a lesson to you: The best solution is not always the quickest and easiest solution. Sometimes you just have to kill Explorer.

Things to do with an old computer

In all the time I’ve been pitching old computers as viable machines, I’ve never taken up the issue of what you can actually do with an old computer.

There are two reasons for that. First, it’s been beaten to death. Every blog in every corner of every Web page has a list of wacky ideas for old computers. Hamster cages. Barbecue grills. Bird nesting boxes. Kitchen clocks. You name it. Search for “old computer” on Ixquick and you get a frothy mess of blogs and know-it-all Web sites giving you ideas.

Second, it’s not my goal to give you ideas for an ancillary machine. It’s my goal to keep you from buying a new computer in the first place, because your old one can do the job just as well, you just have to be open minded about it. ;) So really, I don’t want you to look for ideas for an old computer. I want you to use it like it’s a new one.

All the same, I get e-mails asking for ideas. So I thought I’d pool together some of my own, along with some I culled from elsewhere. Some of these things I’ve done, and some just sound like good ideas. Maybe one will sound good to you too. Enjoy.

First, if you must get rid of it completely. …

Convert to cash. This is kind of a weird suggestion, but before you do anything with your computer, you should see what you have. You might have a piece of junk in your hands, and if it’s some kind of wacky home-grown computer, it probably is junk. But if you have an old IBM Model M keyboard connected to it. … Congratulations: You just made $100 on ebay. Find out what it is, what it’s worth and if you should hold on to it.

Give it to a geek. Provided you’re not a geek already, find one and see if you can foist it on to them. Most geeks can be found … well, actually, most geeks can’t be found outside their dens, except if there’s a fire drill. Ask around and if you can triangulate the location of a geek in his or her natural habitat, see if they want your machine. Most geeks consider gifts to be romantic overtures, but make it clear that it’s just a castaway. You won’t hurt their feelings.

Recycle it. Most big-name sellers have recycle programs now, although some, like Dell, are generally only interested in their own branded machines. I suppose that’s okay, since they’d be picking up some weird stuff if they didn’t draw the line somewhere. Also check around for your local Free Geek group, and remember that sometimes charities will take computers as donations, like cars. Whatever you do, make sure your computer doesn’t end up in a landfill in a third world country. IT crud is somehow making its way into small African nations, dumped into pits and left to decompose. Maybe that doesn’t bother you, but considering that the average CRT has up to 8 lbs. of lead in it, it’s not environmentally — or ethically — conscientious. Let’s not turn the developing world into a garbage pit, friends.

But if you’re willing to keep it around. …

Torrent slave. You probably already know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, read this post, then come back here. It’s a sign of the times that torrent traffic has become so popular. I don’t care if you’ve got a 75Mhz Pentium in the closet: If you can get some version of Linux on there, you’ve got a primo torrent slave.

Jukebox. Here’s one idea that gets thrown around a lot, and that’s because it makes a lot of sense. If it has a sound card, it’s a great jukebox. And if you can get some sort of Linux working on it, you can at least get cplay going, if not some other audio application. Hook it up to your home network and listen to music from one room to another. Is it a laptop? Great, it has a built-in visualiser panel. I used to take a Presario 1020 to work just to play tunes, and it drove the tech staff crazy. Everyone else was jealous.

File server, printer server or NAS. Another old chestnut, but again, there’s a reason for that. Most machines that you find “too slow” for desktop use are acceptably fast as servers or network storage. Take out the GUI and suddenly it’s a speed demon again. Link up a series of machines with NFS and get everybody using the same stuff, and quite easily. Want an idea how to do that in Ubuntu? Look at this.

Web design and development. So long as you’re hooking it up as a file server, you might as well make it into a full-fledged in-house Web server, particularly if you’re into Web design. Test at the local level, before moving your site out into the real world. Build a wiki. And remember that some very, very slow machines work well as Web servers. Like the old 286 Web server.

FTP for fun and profit. Again, so long as you’re setting up a server, put together an FTP site. I used to run a live vsftpd server off a 300Mhz machine with no hard drive, just to transfer large files between me and my brother. He could sign in, drop off his file and I’d copy it elsewhere. Turn it off, and it’s gone. Easy as pie.

Put on a white hat. And so long as you’re creating an off-the-grid server, you might as well learn how to break into it. Cut your teeth in the security field by keeping yourself out of your own machine. And really, does it matter a lot if your old computer is compromised by you?

Guinea pig. If the security business doesn’t enthuse you, consider other ways to use your computer as a test subject. Take it apart. Put it back together. Find a tutorial on computers and experiment with it. What’s this button do? Consider the last great act of your old computer to be teaching you about computers. It’s also good to keep a spare desktop around for testing used parts. If you have one that’s fairly flexible, you can use it to troubleshoot hardware problems.

Cannibalize it. Better than throwing it away is to put some of the parts into another machine. Why have only one hard drive, when two are twice as nice? Got an extra CDROM? Put it into another machine and copy-on-the-fly. Double up on memory, if it’s compatible. It might make things faster, too. (Of course, it might not.)

Upgrade it. Take this one with a grain of salt. If you’re computer is junk, then parts are probably going to be cheap. If it’s still a little valuable, then parts might be a little more money. If it’s really old, upgrading is going to be ridiculously expensive. There’s a funny price curve attached to computer parts. It starts high, falls after a few years, bottoms out after about six, then suddenly spikes again around 10. So depending on how old it is, you might be putting more money into it than it’s worth.

Firewall. Ah, yes, the old firewall suggestion. Yes, it’s possible, and there are Linux distros that are made specifically for this purpose. To be honest, I don’t know of anyone — I mean personally — who dedicates an entire outdated PC to firewall duty. It’s too easy to get a $50 router with a 24V AC adapter, cross your fingers and hope it keeps the bad guys out. However, it’s a great learning experience and a good use for an outdated machine. Consider it.

Cluster it. Get two or three or ten of the things, rig them all up together and start crunching numbers, folding proteins or searching for aliens. OpenMosix is designed just for that purpose. Now before you start buying pallets of Pentium II machines off, remember that clusters don’t always behave like a single computer. In other words, ten 166Mhz machines are not necessarily as fast as one 1.6Ghz machine, except under certain circumstances. And really, if you daisy-chain ten Pentium Pro machines together in hopes of playing Frozen Bubble on the collection, your electricity bill is going to be horrific. :shock:

Give it to the kids. Oh yeah. That one. Yes, I’m sure your kids really want to play Snowfight on your old 233Mhz laptop. Let’s face it: All the “kids” I know are too busy with Star Wars Galaxies, and your old Pentium II ain’t going to cut it. And don’t give it to your teenager to “do their homework on.” Your teenager knows junk when he sees it, and a “gift” like that is just going to trigger another episode of angst. Unless, of course, your teenager is a geek, in which case he or she has probably already commandeered your old computer. So yes, you could try to give it to your kids, but don’t be surprised if they use it for a bookend.

Use it for a bookend. No, let’s skip that one.

Gaming hub/LAN party server. I can’t speak to the effectiveness of this one, but I’ll mention it because I’ve seen it listed elsewhere as an option. I think it might depend on the game, the number of players, the hardware, the speed of the network, and so forth. It sounds like a possibility to me, though. I leave it to you to find out how well it works.

Your own personal Internet radio station. I had a friend who ran a streaming audio server off his home network, then could access the stream and listen to his own music collection while at work. It was an exceedingly cool setup, and if it wasn’t for his rather bizarre taste in music, I might still be tuning into it. It’s supposedly easy to set up (warning: that’s an old thread), but I’ve not done this either.

Capture cartoons. I’ve heard about setting up a personal video recorder, but it only vaguely interests me since I’m not much of a TV-watcher. There are a variety of TV-in cards you can get, some quite cheap. And just about every model has a howto in the forums, so search around in there until you find some instructions for your card and your release. Let me know if it’s worth trying. ;)

Emulation station. The beauty of an old machine is that it’s still logarithmically faster than a C-64. Get VICE going, or pick another emulator that reminds you of your younger days. There are Apple ][ emulators, Atari 800 emulators, 68k Mac emulators, Nintendo DS, Sega Genesis, DOS emulators — you name it. But don’t ask me about those other machines. I’m a Chickenhead. You won’t catch me playing anything but Bruce Lee. :twisted:

Legacy gaming. Along the same lines, you can usually run old Windows titles from within wine, and not have nearly as many complications as trying to install Windows 95 (now with USB support! :roll: ). Go into the basement and get out all your old Win98 games, and spin them up again. And if you were ever a Tribes player … you still are. (And by the way, if you can get the new, free releases of Command & Conquer running in Linux, let me know how you did it. It’s not happening for me. :( )

Movie machine. I’ve watched DivX movies on 300Mhz machines inside X with mplayer, and you can even throw a movie up against the framebuffer of a still-slower computer, and watch movies or DVDs that way. Old laptops are excellent for this; it’s one of the reasons I keep a spare to the side of my bigger machine — so I can watch movies while I moderate. :mrgreen:

Internet phone. Another one I’ve heard about, but haven’t done. If your machine can handle Skype or Ekiga or even Google voice chat, you might as well set it up to run solo, and let your big rig relax. Personally I don’t like telephones much more than televisions, so for this one, you’re on your own.

Compiler. I’ve heard of people compiling software packages on spare machines, just so they don’t have to bog down their main rig with the chore. It’s an advanced task, since you have to be sure the results will be compatible between the two machines, but it’s not unheard of. In some cases, that’s how you install precompiled versions of Linux on outdated hardware.

Renderer. If you do 3D work or animation, which requires heavy processing over long periods of time, you might want to relegate the task to the old machine. Granted, a slower CPU might take longer to finish the job, but if that’s all it’s doing, and you don’t mind waiting, then why not? Dump the work on the old machine and you can go back to playing Bruce Lee. ;)

Distro-hop. This is my favorite thing to do with an outdated machine. Get yourself a rewriteable CD, download a few ISOs and try them out on an older box. See how well — or how badly — they perform. Keep a blog of your adventures and let your experience guide and instruct others. And when you feel really daring, start working on Gentoo or Linux From Scratch. That will be not only useful, but educational too.

Finish the band’s first album. Since there are plenty of applications that work as synthesizers, drum machines or for looping effects, you can pursue that musical career you always knew you were destined for, with your old K6-2 as the backup singer. Rehearse, record, release. Just don’t quit your day job yet. :|

Get all artistic and stuff. After you’ve recorded your opus, strip the machine down and learn how to mod it. Try out paints and LED effects. Throw a water cooling system into your old Packard Bell 486. Make a Lego case for it. Because you know what? Even an ugly 333Mhz Aptiva modded to look like the MCP tower from Tron is WICKED COOL. :shock:

Finally, keep using it. I said at the start that I don’t really like the idea of pushing an old computer out the door, just to make space for a new one that happens to work a little faster. I would prefer you took the time and learned how to keep your machine useful, and maybe hold on to it for a few more years. Fact of the matter is, I don’t have a computer that’s younger than seven years old, and I haven’t run into anything that I needed a newer one for. Try out alternative desktops. Lighten the load a little. Set up a strictly GTK1.2 environment. Experiment with so-called “lightweight” distros. Be open-minded and try new applications with lower system demands. Better yet, code some new ones that fit your needs and don’t bog down your machine.

What you do with your computer is up to you. But remember that there are a lot of options available to you, if you’re willing to keep it around. I’d highly recommend that.

Howto: 16-second boot on 550Mhz Celeron with Crux

I’ve mentioned a few times that my Thinkpad boots in under 16 seconds to an Openbox desktop, but I haven’t ever really shown how. It takes a little while to arrange a system that runs that fast, but if you’re interested and you have a few days to spare, these are the best suggestions I can make.

Before you try something like this, you should be able to handle everything described in the Crux Handbook, including setting up a network, building a custom kernel, configuring your hardware and partitioning a system drive. And of course, all from the command line. Extra points are awarded for style, such as setting up your wireless connection while you’re still in the live environment. ;)

Please be aware that this is definitely not a beginner’s task. Remember when you first installed Ubuntu and everything just magically worked? I can guarantee you, with 99 44/100 percent certainty, that at the first boot everything will not work — if it boots at all. This is the kind of project where one small button buried deep in a nested menu somewhere will cost you hours of compiling, hours of troubleshooting and days of kicking yourself in the behind.

For partitions, I use a simple four-part scheme — something like this.

/boot 32MB ext2
swap 128MB
/ 4096MB ext2
/home (remainder) ext2

Make sure you set the noatime flag when you build your /etc/fstab file too. It helps.

Most of the magic happens in the kernel configuration, which should make sense — a custom kernel is still the best and most effective way of speeding up any system, and any distro. Personally I disable almost everything I can think of, although that’s going to vary from machine to machine. For the record, this is the hardware I’m using.

* 550Mhz Celeron (Coppermine)
* 192Mb PC100
* 4Mb Silicon Motion, Inc. SM712 LynxEM+
* 20Gb 5400rpm Hitachi hard drive HTS548040M9AT00
* LG CRN8241B 24x CDROM
* 2x USB 1.1 ports, one side and one rear
* 800×600 SVGA LCD
* Intel 8440MX AC’97 Audio

Network is from an unencrypted access point to a Linksys WPC11 v3 PCMCIA card. This is an 11b card that uses the Prism 2 chipset — in other words, I don’t need firmware or special binary packages to get the network up. If yours is different, you’re on your own.

My kernel configuration takes everything — absolutely everything — out that isn’t essential. I find it makes the system faster, and takes less time to compile. That will be important if you’re using a similarly (or even more so) slow machine. So here’s what I suggest for, downloaded in the live environment, and you can decide if it’s to your liking:

Under general setup I disable …

* incomplete code or drivers (it makes setup go by a little quicker)
* optimization for for size
* control group support
* group CPU scheduler
* create deprecated sysfs files
* kernel-user space relay support
* heap randomization
* profiling support
* OProfile system profiling and
* Kprobes

In enable the block layer disable …

* support for large block devices (when they make a terabyte drive for my 550Mhz machine, I’ll re-enable it)
* anticipatory and deadline I/O schedulers (which makes CFQ the default)

For processor type and features I …

* disable high resolution timer support
* disable SMP support
* disable single-depth WCHAN output
* set the subarchitecture type to PC-compatible
* set the processor family to Coppermine
* disable HPET timer support
* disable machine check exception
* turn off high memory support
* disable Compat VDSO support

In power management options I …

* disable legacy power management
* enable supend-to-RAM and standby
* disable hibernation (when you boot in 16 seconds, do you really need hibernation?)
* For ACPI …
o disable all deprecated options, as well as the future power /sys interface
o disable battery, since the machine doesn’t have one
o disable debug statements
* enable APM and the real mode APM BIOS call (this works for shutdown for me)
* disable CPU frequency scaling, since it will be on AC at all times
* disable CPU idle PM support

The bus options I use are …

* disable deprecated pci_find_*
* enable PCMCIA/Cardbus support and
o disable ioctl
o modularize yenta-compatible support

Under networking …

* disable IPv6
* and wireless options …
o modularize the deprecated 802.11 stack

For block devices under device drivers …

* disable normal floppy disk support

Disable all misc devices.

For ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support …

* disable legacy /proc/ide/ support
* disable probe IDE PCI devices in PCI order
* enable Intel PIIXn chipsets support, and nothing else

For SCSI device support …

* disable SCSI CDROM support
* disable all SCSI transports
* disable all SCSI low-level drivers

Disable all SATA and PATA drivers, all RAID and LVM, Fusion MPT, Firewire and Macintosh support.

For network devices …

* disable all ethernet devices
* under Wireless LAN…
o enable IEEE802.11
o modularize the Hermes chipset and Hermes PCMCIA card support
o modularize IEEE802.11 for Host AP and the Prism2 PC card options

For character devices, disable HPET event timer and hardware random number generator core support.

Under multimedia devices, disable DVB for Linux.

For graphics support and /dev/agpgart, enable only the 440BX option.

For sound, I use ALSA and enable the AC’97 option under PCI devices. I also diable the OSS options.

Most of the USB options I keep because they allow you to use USB flash drives. I do however, disable USB 2.0 support (this machine is 1.1 only), and USB printer and monitor support under USB support.

Under file systems I only leave second extended filesystem enabled. Everything else — including NFS — gets turned off. I also …

* disable dnotify
* disable inotify
* disable kernel automounter version 4

Under cryptographic API, I make sure everything is compiled into the kernel, and not modularized. Then I disable all hardware crypto devices.

Finally, disable all virtualization. I don’t see a 550Mhz Celeron as much of a platform for virtualizing. ;)

And that’s about it. I’m sure there’s more that could be turned off or disabled, but it’s tough to test everything in there. :D

Next step, I set up /etc/rc.modules to probe orinoco-cs and yenta-socket:

/sbin/modprobe yenta-socket
/sbin/modprobe orinoco-cs

Rather than use the /etc/rc.d/net daemon, I write the network connection sequence into /etc/rc.local, like this:

iwconfig eth0 mode managed essid any
ifconfig eth0 up
dhcpcd eth0

For some reason, the net daemon doesn’t behave for me like it’s supposed to under wireless connections, when I compare it to the wired connections I’ve tried. That’s probably my fault, but this way works perfectly for me.

I use Grub over LILO on my Crux systems. Grub is in the opt repository, which means you have to add it manually to the system, instead of just selecting the core packages. I also add nano from there, because vi just … well, never mind. :P

When you edit your /boot/grub/grub.conf file, remember that the partitions are separated in this system — not as subdirectories. In other words, you can probably delete the “/boot” part from the kernel lines, and change the /dev/hda1 to /dev/hda3 instead. Setting up Grub for me is less complex than what the handbook suggests; I just



root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)

That does it for me. If you have a stranger arrangement, you’ll have to adjust that for your flavor.

At this point, your system should boot. Cross your fingers and give it a try.

If it’s up and working, you can continue by setting the compilation flags in /etc/pkgmk.conf.

export CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu"
export CARCH="i686"
export CFLAGS="-O3 -march=pentium3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math"
export CXXFLAGS="-O3 -march=pentium3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math"

If “unsafe” CFLAGS are something you worry about, you can use the safe ones from the Gentoo wiki. These haven’t given me any problems thus far. (Note: Except for Firefox, which had to be recompiled with the safe flags. Remember that some programs will work this way, and others won’t, and I don’t have any advice for you on how to predict the results.)

I disable the footprint check since it tends to halt software installations at inconvenient times.

For /etc/prt-get.conf, I set the logging feature and “prefer-higher” as default options. Since there’s not a lot of screen space available, the list of installed or failed packages can get kicked up off the screen. The logs tell me if something went wrong, at least.

I usually start the software update process at this point. Since my router’s settings block rsync, I use httpup to sync with the ports, and then start a system-wide update. That can take about four hours, depending.

From there, start building X, the drivers and the software you want. Configure X with (of all things) X -configure, and make the directory at /etc/X11 before moving the generated file to it’s new location under its new name (xorg.conf, that is).

I use the Arch Linux-style autologin. I also change the runlevels for C1 and C2 to 2345 — like this:

c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty1 linux
c2:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty2 linux

I disable all the other terminals; I just don’t use them. And I set the multiuser script to start at those same runlevels, like this:


Otherwise, your autologin doesn’t spawn terminals, or doesn’t kick into graphical mode. And of course, while I’m in there, I change all the “wait” terms to “once” — giving it one last kick in the pants. :D

Once everything is how you like it, you can boot into a live CD once more and reoptimize the directory structures with this command, from a terminal.

e2fsck -fD /dev/hdXY

The drive assignments will change according to the live environment, and make sure you don’t run that on your swap partition. :)

I think that’s about it. A machine built like this goes from Grub to X in under 16 seconds for me, and that’s by far the best performance I’ve gotten out of any distro I have ever found, with any and all of the tweaks I can find. Just out of curiosity, let me know if it works for you too. :D

Howto: Set up Hardy for speed, v1.0

This is version 1.0 of “Howto: Set up Hardy for speed.”

This guide is a collection of tips and tweaks for Ubuntu Linux 8.04. The content comes from tutorials and speed suggestions found on the Ubuntu Forums and elsewhere. The material has been collated and narrated, and arranged with links to external resources or supplemental information.

The guide describes how to set up a faster Ubuntu 8.04 system, with an eye on machines that predate Pentium 4 models or require non-default settings to achieve better performance. Please read the Welcome pages for more information.

This howto is released under the GNU Free Documentation License, v1.2. Please read the included license page for details.

The guide is available in two forms: A Zim notebook and as a relative-linked HTML document.

The size of the guide and the material included does not lend itself to a blog post, although it could easily be incorporated into another Web site or wiki, probably with minimal effort. On a blog however, it would be too easy to make a mistake or miscode something.

Zim also makes it easy to convert the guide to HTML, which makes it a little more accessible to machines that don’t have an Internet connection, or lack graphical environments. It also makes the guide platform-independent, which means you don’t need to use Linux to read it.

The files are compressed as .tar.bz2 files, and are hosted outside of, which doesn’t allow that file extension to be uploaded. These guides are considerably larger than past guides, because of the inclusion of bootcharts and other visual elements.

The current versions can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Howto: Set up Hardy for speed, v1.0, Zim
Howto: Set up Hardy for speed, v1.0, HTML

For a command-line accessible link, please follow a link above to a download page.

To install the guide for use with Zim, decompress it into a folder, and add the folder as a notebook in Zim. The guide is introduced on the Welcome page.

To install the guide for use as an HTML document, decompress it, then open the index.html page in your browser.

For questions, corrections, ideas or suggestions for the howto, please feel free to leave a comment here. Translations and additional hosts are always welcome; I’d be more than happy to link to wikis, translations or revisions of the howto.

Install Ubuntu from USB

I’ve been banging my head against the wall for the past year, looking for a solution on how to get Ubuntu to install from a USB flash drive.

The underlying idea is to avoid CDs, thereby giving an option to machines lacking CDROM drives, or with defective drives. I’ve run into more than one laptop that needed an optical drive replacement that might have benefitted from the install CD on a USB stick.

It would also benefit multiple installations, and maybe open an option for customized installation setups.

That’s what it looks like on paper anyway. In reality, I’m in pretty deep. I managed to get the drive to boot, and managed to get the installer to run, but the installation sequence (and by that, I mean the alternate CD text-based installer) tries to detect the installation CD in a CD drive, and I don’t see a way around that.

If anyone can humor me with an idea here, I’m willing to listen. I’ve been using the syslinux method to boot the flash drive a la’s Knoppix tutorial, but that’s not necessarily the right way.

Top Ten Myths of Entrepreneurship

This is a guest post by Scott Shane as a follow up to his entrepreneurship test. He is the A. Malachi Mixon Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at Case Western Reserve University. He is the author of seven books, the latest of which is The Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The Costly Myths That Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Policy Makers Live By. Many entrepreneurs believe a bunch of myths about entrepreneurship, so here are ten of the most common and the realities that bust them:


It takes a lot of money to finance a new business. Not true. The typical start-up only requires about $25,000 to get going. The successful entrepreneurs who don’t believe the myth design their businesses to work with little cash. They borrow instead of paying for things. They rent instead of buy. And they turn fixed costs into variable costs by, say, paying people commissions instead of salaries.

Venture capitalists are a good place to go for start-up money. Not unless you start a computer or biotech company. Computer hardware and software, semiconductors, communication, and biotechnology account for 81 percent of all venture capital dollars, and seventy-two percent of the companies that got VC money over the past fifteen or so years. VCs only fund about 3,000 companies per year and only about one quarter of those companies are in the seed or start-up stage. In fact, the odds that a start-up company will get VC money are about one in 4,000. That’s worse than the odds that you will die from a fall in the shower.

Most business angels are rich. If rich means being an accredited investor –a person with a net worth of more than $1 million or an annual income of $200,000 per year if single and $300,000 if married – then the answer is “no.” Almost three quarters of the people who provide capital to fund the start-ups of other people who are not friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family don’t meet SEC accreditation requirements. In fact, thirty-two percent have a household income of $40,000 per year or less and seventeen percent have a negative net worth.

Start-ups can’t be financed with debt. Actually, debt is more common than equity. According to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Small Business Finances, fifty-three percent of the financing of companies that are two years old or younger comes from debt and only forty-seven percent comes from equity. So a lot of entrepreneurs out there are using debt rather than equity to fund their companies.

Banks don’t lend money to start-ups. This is another myth. Again, the Federal Reserve data shows that banks account for sixteen percent of all the financing provided to companies that are two years old or younger. While sixteen percent might not seem that high, it is three percent higher than the amount of money provided by the next highest source – trade creditors – and is higher than a bunch of other sources that everyone talks about going to: friends and family, business angels, venture capitalists, strategic investors, and government agencies.

Most entrepreneurs start businesses in attractive industries. Sadly, the opposite is true. Most entrepreneurs head right for the worst industries for start-ups. The correlation between the number of entrepreneurs starting businesses in an industry and the number of companies failing in the industry is 0.77. That means that most entrepreneurs are picking industries in which they are mostlikely to fail.

The growth of a start-up depends more on an entrepreneur’s talent than on the business he chooses. Sorry to deflate some egos here, but the industry you choose to start your company has a huge effect on the odds that it will grow. Over the past twenty years or so, about 4.2 percent of all start-ups in the computer and office equipment industry made the Inc 500 list of the fastest growing private companies in the U.S. 0.005 percent of start-ups in the hotel and motel industry and 0.007 percent of start-up eating and drinking establishments made the Inc. 500. That means the odds that you will make the Inc 500 are 840 times higher if you start a computer company than if you start a hotel or motel. There is nothing anyone has discovered about the effects of entrepreneurial talent that has a similar magnitude effect on the growth of new businesses.

Most entrepreneurs are successful financially. Sorry, this is another myth. Entrepreneurship creates a lot of wealth, but it is very unevenly distributed. The typical profit of an owner-managed business is $39,000 per year. Only the top ten percent of entrepreneurs earn more money than employees. And the typical entrepreneur earns less money than he otherwise would have earned working for someone else.

Many start-ups achieve the sales growth projections that equity investors are looking for. Not even close. Of the 590,000 or so new businesses with at least one employee founded in this country every year, data from the U.S. Census shows that less than 200 reach the $100 million in sales in six years that venture capitalists talk about looking for. About 500 firms reach the $50 million in sales that the sophisticated angels, like the ones at Tech Coast Angels and the Band of Angels talk about. In fact, only about 9,500 companies reach $5 million in sales in that amount of time.

Starting a business is easy. Actually it isn’t, and most people who begin the process of starting a company fail to get one up and running. Seven years after beginning the process of starting a business, only one-third of people have a new company with positive cash flow greater than the salary and expenses of the owner for more than three consecutive months.