Are you blogging without Windows Live Writer?

Posted by very nice on 2:31 AM with No comments
Ok, so I hope I bought a little credibility by giving up on Live Spaces and moving to Word Press, but today I am drinking the Kool-aid. If you are blogging and not use Live Writer then you might be crazy. If there is something better out there, feel free to let me know, but with only a few days under my belt using it, I’m very impressed. It is dramatically improving my life quickly and addresses one of the weak points of word press (the editor).

What you get (from MS web site):

• WYSIWYG editing: Edit using the style of your blog, including fonts, colors, line spacing, margins, etc.
• Rich content: Insert and customize rich content like photos, maps and more
• Offline editing: Compose and edit drafts even when you’re not connected to the Internet
• Blog preview: See exactly what your post will look like in the context of your blog before you upload it
• Smart image publishing: Add images to your blog post, and they’ll automatically appear as thumbnails that link to larger images with more detail
• Compatibility: Support for publishing to Windows Live Spaces, as well as Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, WordPress, and many other blog hosting services

And now that you have Live Writer, go to Codeplex and grab the insert website image plugin which will allow you add web page images in seconds…

Technorati tags: blogging tools, live writer, microsoft, authoring tools, editors, community, word press, kool-aid, codeplex, cluetrain